4 - 11 July 2020

Hello! I know you - I am you


premiere: 4th of July

Modern corporations claims human experience as a free raw material that can be exploited without restrictions. As a result of this robbery exploitation, they are threat to human nature as industrial capitalism was to the natural world.

Techno-human hybrid. Inhuman beings, funny, tempting by interactivity, using our image, feeding on our experience. Autonomous programs-machines weaving pieces of us into their structure, interwoven human with inhuman in mechanical gestures, evolve, arousing ambivalent feelings.

More information soon in our guide. Premiere on 4th of July!


  • Interaction designer and complex systems researcher, head and co-founder of CreativeCoding.pl – postgraduate studies breaking the boundaries between art, design, science, and technology in an anti-disciplinary way.

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  • She is a designer working at the intersection of design, science, technology, and education. She has worked with a number of cultural and educational institutions including the Centre For Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore, the Hebrew University, the University of California Irvine, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, POLIN Museum, Children's Museum in Warsaw, JW3 London, and the Auschwitz Birkenau Foundation among others.

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  • In his projects, he always pays special attention to people and environment and how they interact with his work. The current subject of his research and design interests is the use of new media (technologies, programming) as a material in cooperation with nature and space. He obtained a master’s degree with honors at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in the field of Landscape Architecture. He also completed postgraduate studies in Creative Coding at the School of Form at SWPS University in Warsaw, where he is currently an assistant, and helps teach artists how to code.

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  • He is an award-winning designer, technologist, entrepreneur and lecturer with a broad range of experience and skills - around 20 years of experience in global markets. Szymon's research focuses upon the design of seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical environment. As a creative technologist, he works in a wide range where technology matters: from communication planning to product innovation and service development. He works extensively with designers, engineers and developers, start ups and businesses to unveil their technology and to tell the story from the heart of the product with digital and interactive execution.

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